Product Description
The Davidoff Yamasa Robusto is a groundbreaking cigar that utilizes tobaccos from the Yamasa region of the Dominican Republic, a place that was expertly cultivated by the Davidoff group until it could release its mineral-laden soil. The cigar is made up of long-aged fillers from Condega and Estel Nicaragua, as well as Piloto and Mejorado tobaccos from the Dominican Republic. Its strength is considered to be medium to full bodied, and its flavor profile possesses notes of spice, nut, coffee, cedar, and black pepper that intensify as the cigar is smoked. It has a slow and even burn, and a pleasant and sweet aroma, all of which culminate in an exciting cigar smoking experience. The Davidoff Yamasa Robusto is sold in classy boxes of 12, and is sure to become an important part of the Davidoff collection.
Origin: |
Dominican Republic |
Strength: |
Medium - Full |
Type: |
Dominican Yamasa |
Color: |
Binder: |
Yamasa |
Gauge: |
50 |
Filler |
Dominican Republic / Nicaragua |
Length: |
5 |
Packaging: |
Box of 12 |
Shape: |
Various |