Product Description
Punch cigars originated in Cuba during the 19th century, yet were forced to begin production in Honduras in the late 1960s after Fidel Castro took control. Today, they still remain a popular choice among cigar connoisseurs all over the world. The Gran Puro cigars are the epitome of a genuine puro, a term used to indicate that all the tobacco used is from a single nation. A medium to full-bodied smoke, the fragrance and flavor of these cigars are characterized by a spicy, earthy core and a creamy finish that is unmistakably Honduran. The wrapper and binder leaves are harvested from the highest priming of the plant, with the wrapper being grown solely for the production of these cigars, adding an extra punch to the flavor. The tobaccos used in the Punch Gran Puro are hand-picked from the San Agustin Valley in Honduras, making this cigar unique and hard to imitate.
Origin: |
Honduras |
Strength: |
Medium - Full |
Type: |
Honduras |
Color: |
Binder: |
Honduras |
Gauge: |
50 |
Filler |
Honduras |
Length: |
6 |
Packaging: |
Pack of 5 |
Shape: |
Parejo |