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Dutch Masters Cigarillos Chocolate

Sale Price: $49.44 Retail Price: $73.60

You Save: $24.16
Item #: DFCC3P


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Product Description

Our beloved Dutch Masters Cigarillos Chocolate are made using smooth Cuban seed short filler tobacco combined with delightful layers of creamy milk chocolate. You can sense the delicious, sugary flavor in each puff of the cigar. These tasty treats come in packs of 20 with three in each, and the best part is you can enjoy all 60 without worrying about weight gain!
Origin: Puerto Rico Strength: Mellow
Wrapper Type: Natural Tobacco Leaf Wrapper Color: Natural
Binder: Homogenized Tobacco Leaf Ring Gauge: 28
Filler Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed Length: 4.50
Packaging: 20 packs of 3 (60 total) Shape: Various


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